Wednesday, October 13, 2010


hahahaahahaha oh joy geog and LA (the more difficult LA paper) is overrr thank goodness. it's passing REAL QUICK.
i think geog was ermmmmmmmhmmmmmmmmm WHY IS CONIFEROUS FOREST SOIL IS ACIDIC WHY how i know ): also mixed up desert vegetation with savannah oh gosh wth (just one point though so not too bad -_-?)
LAaaaa am i the only one who did personal recount? when checking for blank pages/misprinted pages i lingered a while longer than i needed to (AHEM) on the topics page for expository :O and then i saw the personal recount one and i was like i need to do this. hopefully i get an A1 ._.
unseeennnnn what turf T_T is so unpredictable and !!!!!! and i did the easier prose. hopefully an A1? at least a high A2 la (i just need an A2 to get A1 for overall. but YOU KNOW THE HIGHER THE BETTER).
btw am damn proud of my subjects (excluding chinese ._________.) for the CA2 and SIA. for humanities sia I must really thank kellynn and yixin T_T_T_T_T_T_T_T_T_T_T_T gosh :(
and SCIENCE! SO UNEXPECTED i think i got the highest for science?!?! (i mean out of all my subjects) even my CA2 is like 82 or something (hello this is very good for me already do not impose your judgements onto me thanks a lot do not make condescending remarks do not act-serious about it thanks a wholeee bunch) and my SIA is 89 -_-? how did that happen wth lol ._. EH I KNOW THE BIO SIA THE RHIZOBIUM BACTERIA BROCHURE AHA!!! i just knew my efforts paid off -gives a speech-.
tomorrow is chinese what what what what i am so not prepared for it FREAK OKAY BAI. i am suddenly nervous.
and then wait HMM HISTORY oh gosh i really must go nao goodbai EVERYONEEEE jiayou for your eoys/after-eoys (what -_-)!!!! I AM SO EXCITED.

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