Thursday, October 14, 2010


exclamation mark abuse is worth it!
you all!
train is coming train is comingggggg please start queueing! love~ your~ ride~
okay that was random. btw did i mention that this ^ ditty or whatever it's called is super irritating when you've heard it for long enough. at the beginning it was like, a novelty but now it's like wtf what a sucky tune.
i think that smrt should totally like threaten the commuters with these songs lor they will confirm queue properly. "HELLO IF YOU ALL DON'T QUEUE PROPERLY DON'T MOVE IN AND DON'T GIVE UP YOUR SEAT TO THE ELDERLY THE PREGNANT OR THE HANDICAPPED I WILL BRING THE DIMSUM DOLLIES BACK I TELL YOU"
i have such good ideas.
anyway chinese is over. OVER GEDDIT.
okay paper 1! yingyongwen was fine (mine a bit short -_- but heck eh i think i've the content already so won't faillllllllllll la) (ahem) the baozhangbaodao was... okay! wahaha. they tried to trick us by giving two parts to discuss/write about but luckily i mentioned both part. anyway it was about smoking. i have weird points though ._. OH WELL B3!
hmm oh yeah then paper 2. wtf KILLER. KILLER. but the killer is over~
now it's time for history YEY I AM SO EXCITED ):
P.S. I realise I don't sound like my usual self! Too bad.

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